When it comes to Overhead Rolling Doors and Grilles, we are the experts in innovative door solutions!
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“It’s unbelievable how much mechanical engineering is involved in a rolling door,” said George. “Hidden behind our clean product designs are a series of complex mechanical systems. Our engineering team goes through a rigorous process to create and refine these systems–making the garage doors deceptively uncomplicated.”
At the manufacturing facility in Mountain Top, PA, George and his team turn product ideas into reality. Using a blend of science, geometry, design, and mathematics, they take products from an initial concept through the development process. Beginning with CAD models and a 3D printer, they create prototypes from plastic resin. From here, the product will go through development and testing.
“I’m inspired to do something that's never been done before, to innovate,” George said. “My goal is to have the best final product, something I can attach to myself and our brands.”
George got the chance to exercise his inventive muscles with VertiStack, one of Clopay Corporation’s newest and most groundbreaking products. “VertiStack is something that we have never seen before in the door industry. It's a totally new operation,” he stated. “We're changing the way garage door panels operate. It’s completely out of the box, but it works, and it works very efficiently.”
The engineers worked together to solve challenging mechanical operations and tie all of the components together, creating a reliable and aesthetically pleasing product. George feels that collaboration was the key to success on VertiStack, and also for all projects he works on within the organization.
“Collaboration in my role is very important. It’s probably my most important daily task,” he stated. “By working with other departments, I gain new insights and knowledge. I might not have an idea at the start, but after talking to other departments, I can leave our conversation with five possible courses of action. This type of collaboration keeps us sharp, innovative, and creative so we can grow.”
The road to creating a new product is riddled with obstacles and requires a high level of problem-solving. But, it is these thrilling and one-of-a-kind challenges that bring George back to his office every day.
“Both the garage door industry and the building product sector have a fundamentally unique product development, and I love being a part of it.” said George. “I think we’re leaps and bounds ahead of the competition, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”