Garage Door Insulation
When it comes to garage door insulation, our Insulated rolling doors create a sealed barrier from the elements and can deliver up to a 94% decrease in air infiltration.
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Our Thermiser Max® insulated garage doors are certified to meet ASHRAE® 90.12 , 2015 IECC® and California’s Title 24 air infiltration requirements. Our patented door perimeter seal makes them the most energy efficient doors in the industry.
When you combine our patented Thermiser Max® door perimeter sealing system with our advanced capabilities of our high-performance rolling doors, you get a roll up garage door that is fast, reliable and maintenance free. This not only provides an environmental seal, but reduced air exchange too.
Garage Door Insulation
Insulation is only part of making a garage door more energy efficient
What makes garage door insulation most effective?
Many garage doors manufacturers talk about the R-Value of their garage door and how much insulation they have. R-factor is absolutely important. The technical definition of R-Value is “the inverse of the time rate of heat flow through a body from one of its bounding surfaces to the other surface for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady state conditions, per unit area.”
In layman’s terms, it means how difficult is it for cold or hot temperatures to pass through and affect the space on the other side. In other words, how well can the material resist making it hot or cold on the other side? This is very important. But if you have ever felt a draft around a door, you realize there is more to being energy efficient than just the door. For complete, unmoving components, such as a wall, R-factor is a great measurement of thermal efficiency.
That is why all overhead garage doors also have a U-Factor. U-Factor is the rate of heat transfer for assemblies comprised of multiple components. With multiple components, U-Factors takes into consideration of air leakage in and around the components.
What does all of that mean?
No matter how much garage door insulation your door has, if cold or hot air can simply get around it, it doesn’t help you. Having the whole garage door opening, not only the door, protected from thermal leakage is what creates an environmental barrier.
Our Thermiser Max insulated rolling doors combine many features to bring you the most energy efficient garage door in the industry. Our foamed-in insulated door slats not only provide a superior barrier from the environment on the opposite side, but it also reduces sound transmission. Our patented door perimeter sealing system combined with our thermally broken guide construction decreases air infiltration by 94%, stopping the air from getting around the garage door insulation.
Tested and proven efficiency that’s green too.
Our Thermiser Max Insulated Doors meet ASHRAE® 90.1, 2015 IECC® and California’s Title 24 air infiltration requirements with an independently tested value of less than 0.3 CFM/FT. The 94% decrease in air infiltration can contribute up to 38 credits in five LEED categories.
All insulated shop doors are built to order and can be customized to your specifications. Overhead insulated doors are coated with Galvanized steel with GalvaNex™ polyester enamel finish in Gray, Tan, White or Brown. Flame Spread Index of 0 and a Smoke Developed Index of 10 as tested per ASTM E84. The slat has an R-value of 8.0 as calculated using the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals.
▶ Aluminum in mill, clear or color anodized
▶ Stainless steel - 300 series in #4 finish
▶ SpectraShield® Powder Coating in more than 180 colors
Additionally, Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating is up to 30 for the curtain and up to 22 for the entire assembly. If an STC of 32 is desired, additional options are required. Please consult the factory for details. All configurations are evaluated per ASTM E90, based on testing a complete, operable assembly.